



CHAKRA ONE corresponds to the element earth, the foundation from which all life springs. It represents everything solid, the practical aspects of our lives, and the level of consciousness known as the instincts. It is located at the base of the spine, and includes the legs as connectors between the earth and the spine. In this chakra, you learn to ground the energy of your body into the Earth. Your legs act as roots pushing downward from the base of your spine. Think of these roots like the two prongs of a plug: when you plug your legs and feet into the ground, you generate energy for the rest of your body.



NAME: Muladhara (meaning) “root support”

LOCATION: Base of spine, includes legs as roots



PURPOSE: Grounding, stability, solidity

DEVELOPMENTAL AGE: Womb to one year

IDENTITY: Physical identity


GIFTS: Solidity, practicality, prosperity

RIGHT: To have and to hold

EXCESSIVE: Heavy body, slow, sluggish, attachment to security

DEFICIENT: Scattered, ungrounded, spacey, flighty





A good place to start is to become realistic about schedules and demands.

Creating Conditions for Spiritual Practice

A good place to start is to become realistic about schedules and demands. Determine what works specifically for you regarding time and space for your favorite forms of spiritual practice. Are mornings or evenings more appropriate for you? Look at the coming week and choose a time in your calendar for a practice that feeds you. Below we have described a few methods of meditation. You can choose from these or your own method, but specifically decide what you will do that makes holy your spiritual time of nurturing. Let others in your life know that this is your time and you will be unavailable. You might close the door, not answer phones or emails, and create any necessary boundaries so you are truly in a time/space that is safe for your inner-directed focus.

Connecting with Nature Spirits

Go outside to your back yard, a nearby park, or your favorite place in nature. Sit quietly and ground, allowing everything within you to settle into stillness. Extend your awareness into the fields of energy around you. Take in the smells, the sounds, the sights, the textures, even the taste of the air. Feel how alive everything is, shimmering in the sunlight. Imagine you are the consciousness of something nearby: a tree, a plant, a rock, an animal. How do you experience this place? How do you experience the person sitting in meditation? Let your consciousness shift to different things in your environment, as if you could experience its awareness. An acronym for this experience you might like is SAFE (Sit And Feel Everything).

Thank the nature spirits around you for this experience and for whatever messages you may have received.

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Take in the smells, the sounds, the sights, the textures, even the taste of the air.

Walking Meditation

This is a practice often used during silent retreats that brings us into our ground and in contact with the earth. You can do this in 5 minutes or for up to 30 or more minutes. Indoors is acceptable although outdoors is preferred. Choose an area about 10 feet long and stand so that you feel the earth beneath you, and the pull of gravity. As you stand, soften your gaze. Feel your breath coming and going from your belly and prepare to walk. Hands can be behind your back or alongside your body relaxed. Walk at a pace that is slow enough to stay connected with an embodied experience of walking. With each step, mentally note 3 parts of the process: lifting, shifting, placing. You can breathe in conjunction with the walking: breathing in for the lifting and shifting, breathing out on the placing. With your easy gaze, see the world around you, feel the earth beneath you, and breath in and out relaxation.

Chakra 1 Sacred Attitudes

Continuing to look at what brings a strong foundation to our lives might lead us to notice where we are most inattentive. If our finances are a mess, or our closets and drawers very disorganized, our energies will be pulled there because something in us senses a scatteredness. Each place of incompletion in your life is draining your life force. A way to shift this is to identify an area where you want to ground your experience. You might choose something that you notice is dissipating your energy like an unbalanced checkbook or double booked appointments and decide to bring sacred focus there. Choose something this week that will become sacred by spending some time cleaning it up, deleting email from your inbox, or organizing.

This bundle of information and techniques for working with your chakras offers you a wide pallet for your personal and professional transformation.

This information is part of a larger comprehensive course: Chakra Healing Bundle.
With practices you can use the rest of your life, this valuable resource helps you navigate your way to better health, expanded awareness, and joy. Check out the link below where you can watch the video teaser and see your many bonus items along with 7 Chakra Awakening Videos to take your chakra learning to the next level!