

Start learning today with our complimentary Chakra Master Class. First class is FREE!

Hi, I'm Anodea Judith

I founded Sacred Centers to train others on the path of healing and awakening. Our work is to bring individuals, cultures, and the planet toward wholeness, in mind, body, and spirit through dynamic courses and experiences.

“It is time we moved from an organizing principle based on the love of power to one based on the power of love.”

~Anodea Judith

Learn at your own pace with our online courses!

Discover the secret to balanced and boundless energy!

Discover how “charge” works in each chakra, how it creates 5 basic character structures, and how it plays out, for better or worse, in relationships.

The Go-To Course for Chakra Healing and Awakening

This self-paced video course is chock full of insights about the inner psychology of the chakras, along with exercises from yoga and bioenergetics to address the issues. The result is a comprehensive overhaul of your chakra system!

An Evolutionary Journey to Awaken the Leader Within

An all-new course on Leadership in Trying Times. See how the map of the chakra system connects your own awakening to being a catalyst for others. See how you fit into the bigger picture and how to makes sense of the challenges that face us.

Start your Healing Venture Free! Sign Up For Your Free Class