
Creating On Purpose Course


The Art of Masterful Manifestation 

Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman

  • Do you have a dream you would like to create?
  • Are you full of ideas but don’t know how to bring them into reality?
  • Have you been trying to find your purpose, but haven’t found clarity about what it is or how to fulfill it?
  • Do you wonder why affirmations or the Law of Attraction haven’t brought you what you want?
  • Do you believe that the reason for your lack of success is something about YOU that can’t be fixed?
  • Are you willing to spend a little time to improve the rest of your life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider becoming a master manifester. It won’t magically happen all by itself, but there are practical steps you can take to create the life you want – on purpose, and in harmony with your life purpose. That’s what it means to create on purpose.

This course can take you there.  Like the Coach that brought Cinderella to the ball, it can transport you from where you are to where you want to be.

Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman, co-authors of the life-changing book: Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting through the Chakras, have put their popular week-long in-person workshop into an online video course so you can experience it at your own pace, within the comfort of your home.

The Creating On Purpose Course contains more than 5 hours of video instruction, physical, mental and emotional exercises, guided meditations, and easy-to-use documents and personal assignments. They have brought together everything you need to take the step-by-step journey down through your chakras, from crown to ground, so you can manifest your what you want and need.

When you take the steps outlined in this course, you’ll focus on one of your most important dreams. As you do so, you’ll be learning how to create any dream. You can use the process again and again, turning each of your visions into a reality.

This is the road to becoming a Master Manifester.

Creation is ecstasy! But the blocks are a real pain. That’s why we show you methods for clearing your blocks from each chakra. When you do so, the manifestation process works – and proceeds with more ease and grace.

Listen to what former students have said about this course:

“Smart. Game-changing. Revelatory. TOTALLY satisfied, inspired and activated on behalf of my own
dreams for humanity. With this trusty resource I know “how” to do it each time I get stuck.” ~Kelly S

“30 years of pain is gone. I am free!”
“Smashed through my limiting beliefs”
“A new sense of hope about the future”
“Able to define and focus my life’s work”
“I got my intention!”
“I am fulfilling my wildest dream”
“My life is on fire!”
“Cathartic, energizing, fulfilling and fun!”
“I’ve lost 10 pounds”
“Doubled the attendees at my workshop”
“Moved beyond that old buried resistance”
“New sense of clarity, courage, and strength”
“A grander vision for myself and my life”
“Finally becoming all that I choose to be”

Here is an overview of what you get with this course:

Module One

Welcome to the Course

Your journey begins with Anodea and Lion’s animated poem about creation itself, as you meet your guides and hear their stories about becoming a Master Manifester. They will walk you through the course from start to finish, and from idea to reality.

Module 2

The Downward Path of Manifestation

Manifesting through the Chakras
This video gives you an overview of the course and shows you shows you how taking the basic map of the chakras from the top down gives you a step by step plan for manifesting a life of your dreams.

Overview of the Chakras
If you’re not intimately familiar with the chakra system, this is a wonderful introduction to this ancient energetic mapping system.

Building the Skills of Manifestation
We all begin at the beginning. How do we build any skill? How do we learn to manifest a reality?

The 3 Universes
Important distinctions about our multidimensional universe, and how each universe has its own unique principles of creation.

Manifestation Meditation
Guided meditation with music and images for the top down journey through the chakras.  

Module 3

Chakra 7: Consciousness Creates

Consciousness Creates
We begin the journey in the seventh chakra. This overview shows you how to connect with spirit to reach for your highest aspirations, and explores the roles played by meditation, intentions, beliefs, and ideas.

The Magic of Beliefs – and Your Own Consciousness
You’ve probably heard that “our beliefs create our reality.” In this deep inside view, you’ll learn exactly how this happens, and why we need to clear our interfering beliefs before we can manifest anything.

The Creation Cycle
Everything goes through a cycle of creation, existence, and dissolution. Learn how to use this esoteric understanding and why you might be getting hung up or blocked in creating what you want.

Intention Declaration Exercise
A potent exercise that will help you clarify your intentions and clear obstacles out of the way.

Module 4

Chakra 6: Vision Vitalyzes

Vision Vitalizes
Learn about the sixth chakra and the role that imagination plays in creating the template for your dreams. Discover how your life purpose helps you find your vision, and begins to direct life into your vision blueprint.

Clarify Your Life’s Purpose
Discover and clarify your life purpose so you can create what you want, and have the universe at your back.

Guided Meditations!

Life Purpose Timeline
Discover the elements of your life purpose that’s been operating in your past, and the role it will play in your future.

A Typical Day
Develop your powers of imagination by observing yourself going through a typical day.

Module 5

Chakra 5: Conversation Catalyzes  

Conversation Catalyzes
In the fifth chakra, learn how communication condenses your ideas when you share them with others. Discover the power of story, how to hone your soundbites, and write a proposal to Spirit that spells out everything you need.

7 Voices Exercise
This potent exercise will help you clear out those negative voices that undermine your confidence and progress.

Module 6

Chakra 4: Love Launches

Love Launches
The fourth chakra’s influence is in the realm of love and relationship. Bring your heart into your dream by enhancing your connections with others, creating a dream team, and honing your dream so that it serves others.

Relationship and Networking
Learn about how your early childhood attachment patterns affect your relationships, and get tips for networking to multiply your forward progress.


Celestial Wishing Tree
Learn the secret of the sub-lotus within the heart chakra that brings about your heart’s desire.

Module 7

Chakra 3: Power Produces

Power Produces
The third chakra represents your power to produce results. Learn how your Will gets hijacked, distracting you from working toward your goals and what you can do about it. 

Aspects of Power: Creating vs. Accepting
Learn about the many forms of power, and how your personal power can be enhanced to serve others.

Third Chakra Bioenergetic Exercises 

Module 8

Chakra 2: Pleasure Pleases 

Pleasure Pleases
Don’t forget pleasure!  This lesson brings you into the flow by helping you distinguish between wants and needs, and opening your life to the flow of fun. 

Module 9

Chakra 1: Matter Matters 

Matter Matters
The first chakra anchors everything you’ve been learning and doing. You’ll create and fulfill your commitments, and work with the principles of money and abundance. 

Completing Incomplete Cycles
Completion is the key to having what you want! Prioritize your many commitments, follow through to the end, and see how they fulfill the building blocks of your dreams.

Meditation: Havingness Visualization
How to increase your ability to “have” your dream in 7 different areas of your life.

Bioenergetic Grounding Exercise
Learn a dynamic physical exercise you can do anytime to become more grounded and connected to the earth.


Module 10

Conclusion and Celebration

You did it!  Now it’s time to celebrate. Acknowledge what you’ve accomplished using this step-by-step structure for success.  Now you can use this chakra-based template for anything you want to manifest. What’s your next goal, dream or vision?