Meditation: Your Future Self
Start by breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing your body fully, feeling your first chakra strongly connected to the earth. Imagine a ray of light above your head. See what color it is as it invites you to rise up out of your body and be lifted up into space. Imagine you are on an airplane—seeing the houses, streets, and cars getting ever smaller.
Then continue rising up, seeing your city and the coastline or hills beneath you growing smaller and then the beautiful green and blue ball that is the earth from space. Keep going until you find your¬self in the dark and stillness of outer space. Enjoy this perspective for a few moments. What can you see from this cosmic-centered self? When you feel you have shifted perspective, imagine another ray of light (a different color from the first ray) that directs you back down toward Earth. Follow this ray until you find yourself on the Earth—only it’s 20 years from now. You see before you the home of your most fulfilled future self. Take in as many details as you can about the dwelling you live in, the landscaping, and view. See the front door and walk up to it. Knock and see your Future Self as she/he answers the door. Notice the face, eyes, mouth, height, clothing, demeanor as the person invites you to the kitchen to get a refreshing drink. Now sit down on a comfortable chair and look around, seeing the interior of the dwelling. Sit with your future self and ask any questions you may have, imagining the answers. Ask he/she how they came to be themselves and if they have a gift for you. If given, receive it with gratitude, and look to see what it means for your life now. Then say goodbye and go back out to space on the first colored ray, and then back to earth and present time. You may wish to journal about what you saw and experienced.