


While each of the chakras has an important spiritual aspect, we open more deeply into the spiritual realm when we reach Chakra 6. Just as our dreams take us to a world where we can fly, transform, or move from past to future in an instant, Chakra 6 takes us to a dimension of transcendence, illumina­tion, and the light of wisdom. We transcend time and space at this level; we can remember the past, fantasize about the future, and make up whole worlds in our imagination. We can see pictures of a distant galaxy or a tiny microbe, both hidden from the naked eye. We can symbolize reality with an image, and bask in the beauty of the light within. Indeed the only limitation in this chakra is the limits of our imagination.


NAME: Ajna (meaning) “command center”

LOCATION: Middle of head at brow level


COLOR: Indigo

PURPOSE: Insight, intuition, vision

DEVELOPMENTAL AGE: Puberty and beyond

BALANCED: Clarity, vision, wisdom

IDENTITY: Archetypal identity

DEMON: Illusion

GIFTS: Clarity, insight, imagination

RIGHT: To see and be seen

EXCESSIVE: Delusions, hallucinations

DEFICIENT: Cynical, close mindedness, denial

PRINCIPLE: Luminescence




We must develop single-pointed attention in order to see clearly.

Entering the Transcendent

The sixth chakra represents the entry into non-dual consciousness. The vibrations that we have been refining at each step as we’ve climbed up the chakras, achieve coherence and harmony in Chakra 5. That coherence consolidates into a single wave focus at Chakra 6, refining our attention. What does this mean in reality? That we must develop single-pointed attention in order to see clearly.

Just as a lake shows the perfect reflection of the mountain behind it only when the water is perfectly still, our minds perceive the reflection of the divine when we become truly still. We can pierce the veil of illusion and see the ultimate nature of reality that is behind everything. This is the true meaning of clairvoyance, or clear seeing. It is the state of realization, where we have the illumination of what is true. Realization is learning to see with real eyes.

In the same way that a lake reflects the mountain behind it, your personal world is a reflection of your own consciousness. If you want to see your consciousness, allow yourself to look at your life, but from a point of stillness. Even in the middle of dramas, you can stop, breathe, close your eyes, and remember that what you get caught up in is mostly illusion anyway. Look for the deeper patterns and allow your inner Witness to guide you to a higher pattern.


There is nothing better than meditation to cultivate the stillness that opens the doors of perception into the inner world. The purification of Chakra 5 gets us ready—but to truly enter these higher realms, we must pull our attention away from the mundane world, with its countless fragmentations, and withdraw our senses deep into the interior core of consciousness. In yoga this is called pratyahara. In the Yoga Sutras, written by Patanjali around 200 BC, he describes the goal of yoga as the cessation of the fluctuations of consciousness. Then we experience the unity that yoga seeks to create.

There are countless ways of meditating. You can visualize a candle flame, observe your breath, silently utter a mantra, visualize a deity, repeat a prayer, walk with consciousness, etc. What’s important is to find one that works for you and stick with it over time. What follows are some suggested visual meditations that can exercise your sixth chakra.


There is nothing better than meditation to cultivate the stillness that opens the doors of perception into the inner world.


Meditation: Your Future Self

Start by breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing your body fully, feeling your first chakra strongly connected to the earth. Imagine a ray of light above your head. See what color it is as it invites you to rise up out of your body and be lifted up into space. Imagine you are on an airplane—seeing the houses, streets, and cars getting ever smaller.

Then continue rising up, seeing your city and the coastline or hills beneath you growing smaller and then the beautiful green and blue ball that is the earth from space. Keep going until you find your¬self in the dark and stillness of outer space. Enjoy this perspective for a few moments. What can you see from this cosmic-centered self? When you feel you have shifted perspective, imagine another ray of light (a different color from the first ray) that directs you back down toward Earth. Follow this ray until you find yourself on the Earth—only it’s 20 years from now. You see before you the home of your most fulfilled future self. Take in as many details as you can about the dwelling you live in, the landscaping, and view. See the front door and walk up to it. Knock and see your Future Self as she/he answers the door. Notice the face, eyes, mouth, height, clothing, demeanor as the person invites you to the kitchen to get a refreshing drink. Now sit down on a comfortable chair and look around, seeing the interior of the dwelling. Sit with your future self and ask any questions you may have, imagining the answers. Ask he/she how they came to be themselves and if they have a gift for you. If given, receive it with gratitude, and look to see what it means for your life now. Then say goodbye and go back out to space on the first colored ray, and then back to earth and present time. You may wish to journal about what you saw and experienced.


Chakra six is about developing your intuition. You can increase your intuitive knowing by learning to see deeply into a person or a natural object.

Intuition Exercises:

With natural objects: Go outside and sit down with a flower, a plant or an object. Take 5 minutes and sit still with what you have chosen. See it as if you are the object itself. Notice as many of its details without words. Feel what that is like in your body. Connect with the object’s history, how it got there, its beginning and its eventual end. Now move to another object and repeat.

With a person: This can be done with or without the person present. Close your eyes and bring this person into your mind’s eye. As you imagine this person, also notice where you might “feel” them inside your body—which may be in your heart, your belly, your throat. Allow yourself to take in any sensations or visuals as you contemplate them. Now invite a metaphor or a symbol to arise in your inner visual field. Watch this symbol as if watching a movie screen, passively observing its unfolding. Be a keen observer of as many details as possible.

For answering a question: Sit quietly in a meditative state, allowing the mind to enter into a blank slate by clearing your visual screen, letting it go dark. Ask any question that you wish and allow images to form in your mind as in a dream. These images might represent psychological aspects of the dilemma versus direct answers. Visualize choice A and see how colorful or clear the imagery might be. Then visualize choice B and compare.

Create Beauty

Beauty is a sign that we are close to the divine. Everything in nature, untrampled by humans, is beau­tiful. Even its destruction, such as a volcano or a fire, has its own beauty. See where you can create more beauty in your life. It could be bringing more color into your surroundings, dressing with a little more attention and flair, buying flowers for your home or landscaping your yard. Bring beauty to your meals, dressing up the plate with colorful garnishes, make lovely shapes with the raw veggies, or bring in a special candle.

According to the World Federation of Scientists, we face at least 63 systemic planetary emergencies. The Sustainable World Sourcebook offers information for lay-people. Choose an issue from this book, deepen your knowledge and then discuss with others. Notice what happens to your perspective.

  • Can you recall a recent experience that awakened you to one of these planetary emergencies? What did you notice and feel?
  • What do you need to become empowered to make a difference in one of these planetary crises?
  • What will the world be like 100 years from now if we continue business as usual?
  • What do you wish was different about the way you are living?
  • How does denial of these planetary emergencies appear in your life?


Beauty is a sign that we are close to the divine.


Chakra 6 is often referred to as the third eye center. We can also see that as a step beyond “me and you” consciousness to a larger perspective is seeing the “Third I”—meaning the “I that is We.” This asks us to look beyond ourselves to what humanity might be evolving into at this crucial time in our world.

It has been said: “Without a vision, the people perish.” Imagine our current populations’ great-great grand children living in the future. What is your vision for them? Is it a fulfilling world they live in? Take a few minutes and meditate on a world you might envision. Perhaps you see details such as all the world’s children getting plenty of food, energy efficient transportation, empty prisons, clean oceans, or wind and solar powered homes and green businesses. Add whatever details matter to you. This week, Tell-A Vision to 3 key people in your life, especially to someone older or younger. Invite them to tell you their vision. See where you can refine or inspire each other’s vision.

We need to visualize these things daily. Whether it’s local or global, political or social, our ability to visualize a better world is an important first step.

Enlarging Our Vision

When we connect with people doing things differently or incorporating a larger view of human possibility, we grow our care and compassion. Just seeing the amount of garbage we produce gives us a larger picture of what we are doing to the planet. Chris Jordan, an award-winning artist brings us information about our consumer society, through visual pieces that “run the numbers” regarding plastic bottle use, cell phones, deaths in war, garbage in the ocean, and offer ironic commentary through his visionary works. A piece, E Pluribus Unum 2010, brings hope as it depicts in a mandala the names of one million organizations around the world that are devoted to peace, environmental stewardship, social justice and the preservation of diverse and indigenous culture.


Take a few minutes and meditate on a world you might envision.

This bundle of information and techniques for working with your chakras offers you a wide pallet for your personal and professional transformation.

This information is part of a larger comprehensive course: Chakra Healing Bundle. With practices you can use the rest of your life, this valuable resource helps you navigate your way to better health, expanded awareness, and joy. Check out the link below where you can watch the video teaser and see your many bonus items along with 7 Chakra Awakening Videos to take your chakra learning to the next level!