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In chakra one, we worked on grounding, self care, and attention to bodily needs–things in the realm of matter. In chakra two we played with sensuality and emotional expression– things having to do with movement. In chakra three, we experience energy created by the combination of matter and movement. This energy is our fuel for creative living. We focus it with clear intention. Sadly, it isn’t always so easy. Health clubs and exercise classes are particularly busy the first few weeks in January only to peter off as the months go by.

With Chakra 3, we ask you to clarify your intentions, strengthen your core, and get your physical ener¬gy going strong. You can find more exercises in the Chakra Balancing Kit or in The Sevenfold Journey.


NAME: Manipura (meaning) “lustrous gem”

LOCATION: Solar plexus


COLOR: Yellow

PURPOSE: Vitality, strength, mastery

DEVELOPMENTAL AGE: 18 months to 4 years

BALANCED:: Masterful power

IDENTITY: Ego identity

DEMON: Shame

GIFTS: Power, strength, deliberateness

RIGHT: To act and be free

EXCESSIVE: Controlling, dominating, bullying, constantly doing

DEFICIENT: Weak, passive, victimized

PRINCIPLE: Combustion






In chakra three, we experience energy created by the combination of matter and movement. This energy is our fuel for creative living.

Writing Practice

Deep change and chakra 3 embodiment come through repeated practice. To create motivation in your practices, first begin by setting your intention.

What do you want to change about your body? What will it take to do so? Pick a goal, like losing 5 pounds, cleaning up your diet, establishing a yoga practice, keeping your house clean, or some other aspect that has physical and measurable criteria. Then write your intention concisely in large print on paper, where you can pin it to your wall and see it throughout the rest of this 3rd chakra month. No­tice all the obstacles that come up for you and list them on a separate piece of paper (too tired, too busy, email, kids, TV, etc). Use the 3rd chakra element of fire to burn the paper with your obstacles as a symbol of burning through them with your will. When those obstacles try to interfere with your intention, imagine burning them in your mind in the same way until only your intention is left.

Stomach Crunchies

The third chakra is located in the solar plexus, between the navel and the breastbone. It is the soft­est part of the torso with no bones in front, so strengthening your abdomen can give good muscle tone and support better posture. There are several ways to do this.

Anodea gives these instructions in Chakra Balancing Kit: Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet parallel, hip width apart. Cradle the back of your head with your palms. Keep your eyes looking at the ceiling throughout this movement and you will not pull your neck and spine out of alignment.

“Now press your lower back down, keeping the back of your sacrum in touch with the floor. Using your belly muscles, lift your head and shoulders a few inches off the floor, exhaling. You need not sit all the way up. The muscles do their work in the first few inches of contraction. Pause at the point of contraction, and hold the position as long as it is comfortable. Then, inhaling, slowly lower your torso back down, keeping your low back on the floor, maintaining tension on the muscles throughout the move. Repeat, exhaling as you lift, inhaling on the way down until you feel the burn!” This will develop muscle tone over your third chakra area.

Breath of Fire: Kapalabhati

The third chakra also extends all the way around the body at the solar plexus level, and includes the ribs, mid-back, kidneys and adrenals, as well as the liver, stomach, and pancreas. Working your third chakra stimulates all these organs. Try this breathing exercise at least 3 times a day as a practice of will.

Begin by standing or sitting but have your feet placed solidly on the ground. Soften your knees and your gaze. Bring your awareness and attention to your third chakra area. Rapidly snap your dia¬phragm in again, relaxing for the inhalation, and then repeat, pushing the breath out rapidly with each snap. Use this especially when you want to strengthen your will to resist temptation or to get something done.

Aerobic Exercise

One of the aspects of developing power in the third chakra is overcom¬ing inertia. First we have to get the fire going; then it is easier to throw on a log to keep it going. This means you need to get up off your butt (1st chakra) and get your body moving.

Choose an aerobic exercise you enjoy such as jogging outdoors, running on a treadmill or stairmaster, bouncing on a trampoline, or jumping rope. These high energy exercises get your heart going, clear the liver, and tone your muscles. Even though it takes energy to begin, the result is more energy, not less.


These variations on walking offer new ways of feeling your strength and power through the simple act of walking. Engage in them playfully. Your third chakra will then have less resistance.

  1. Purposeful walking – Begin by closing your eyes and feel your body, from your feet to the ground, up through your legs, hips, and torso, allowing each breath to bring energy into your body. Open your eyes and choose a place to go, like across the room, to a particular place in the yard, down the hall, etc. Align with your intention and begin to walk, deliberately placing each step firmly on the ground, letting nothing deter you from your goal.
  2. Rushed walking – Now walk as if you were in a big hurry and hassled as well. Perhaps you need to get many things done with too little time to accom­plish it all. Feel what happens in your body and in your third chakra. Exaggerate that action, then let it go.
  3. Aimless walking – Now imagine you aren’t sure what you want to do or where you want to go, or even what your life direction is. Without direction or purpose, experience how your third chakra feels now. Exaggerate and then shift into a purposeful walk and notice the change in your third chakra. Return to a neutral walk.
  4. Heavy and light walking – Begin with a feeling of having a very heavy body, maybe doubled in weight. Feel how gravity pulls on you with every step you take. Where do you feel this in your body and notice again how your third chakra feels as you walk this way. Now let the weight lift and make your body as light as a feather, weightless, and without gravity. Notice your third chakra and your body sensations. Find a balance between being weighted down and extremely light and walk in a balanced way. Notice how your third chakra feels.
  5. Stillness – Now stop walking and stand in stillness. Bring your hands to your third chakra to focus your attention there. Notice how your energy is moving through your body. Imagine a flame burning at the core of your third chakra, generating energy throughout your entire body.

This bundle of information and techniques for working with your chakras offers you a wide pallet for your personal and professional transformation.

This information is part of a larger comprehensive course: Chakra Healing Bundle. With practices you can use the rest of your life, this valuable resource helps you navigate your way to better health, expanded awareness, and joy. Check out the link below where you can watch the video teaser and see your many bonus items along with 7 Chakra Awakening Videos to take your chakra learning to the next level!