
Seven Levels of Intimacy

Aligning Your Chakras For Better Relationships

7 Levels of Intimacy

With authors Anodea Judith, PhD and Ramone Yaciuk

Anodea is the world’s foremost Chakra Expert and author of many bestsellers on the Chakras. Ramone, healer, coach, trainer, and author of Enjoy the Hell Out of Your Life.

Most people long for a better relationship. One that allows mutual personal growth and supports you in sharing your gifts with the world. For many people this level of support and intimacy remains a dream.

Poor communication, emotional immaturity, lack of alignment, power struggles, fears and doubts, all get in the way of the kind of relationship you desire. Deep down, you know that it’s possible to have better connections and alignment.

  • Discover and Release Your Barriers to Deeper Intimacy
  • Activate Your Natural Ability to Communicate and Connect
  • Find Ways to Create Relationship Magic








AdobeStock_73653104-1000Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could transform your doubts and frustrations into an experience of confidence and joy?

What if you were coached by two of the world’s leading experts on how attitudes, archetypes, and chakras affect your relating? You can learn hard-won tools, secrets and techniques – gained from more than 60 years combined in-depth research and practice – to naturally and pleasurably co-create relationship magnificence.

If you feel the inner call to design your relationship at the deepest level, then renowned spiritual teacher and chakra expert, Anodea Judith and master healer and coach, Ramone Yaciuk will show you how.

In 4 modules, Anodea and Ramone will teach you simple, accessible, and exciting processes to clear your programming, activate your power centers, and enliven your archetypes that will catapult you into intimate satisfying co-creation with your partner.

Using the ancient technology of the Chakra System, accessible through your own physical and energetic body, Anodea and Ramone guide you through understanding and harnessing your seven points of contact through the chakras.

Relating four main archetypes to your energy centers will give you clear focus and practical steps to boost deficient areas and tone down centers with excess.

In each module you’ll learn specific exercises and practices to clear and activate each power center in service of your deeper relationship vision.






While there are many relationship-type courses, workshops and books available, many of them offer more simplistic formulas that focus on just one aspect of relating. Because many of these relationship systems are incomplete, they are like trying to use a hammer for every situation, when it may not be the right tool.

What makes Anodea’s and Ramone’s 4 module training unique is that they take you through all seven levels of humanness – from connecting with Source – to rolling up your sleeves and doing the real-world action that is required to make your relationship vision a reality.

They offer you an integrated, holistic approach that shows you how to harness your natural powers and capacities you already have within you.

With the Seven Levels Of Intimacy process, you’ll gain lifelong tools for working with your relationships using through the lens of the chakra system and you will be able to release blocks and old patterns that may arise along the way.

In short the Seven Levels Of Intimacy process will set your relationship on fire, enabling you to connect with your partner in magical ways that adds depth and juice to your intimate relating.


The chakras illuminate seven important Points of Contact that occur in all relationships. Many people approach the chakras from the bottom up, and in other courses we teach the chakras from the top down for greater manifestation. But when you take the spiral path through the chakras, it leads to the heart: the connection we all long for.

Once you learn how to use this ancient formula, you can then apply these steps to all aspects of your relationships, both intimate and casual, and even to other areas of your life.



  • Couples who want to revive a relationship that has lost its passion
  • Singles who are looking for relationship skills to find and keep a partner
  • Anyone who wants to hone their communication skills for better relationships in general
  • People who want to gain tools in coaching relationships
  • People who want a deeper understanding of the chakras and how they play out in relationship
  • Couples who long for greater intimacy



Join Anodea Judith, the world’s leading expert in transformation through the chakras and Ramone Yaciuk, master healer and archetype coach for this 4-module course and you’ll gain:


  • A step-by-step process for enhancing relationship magic and life bliss
  • Greater energy and vitality from aligning your relationship with your Divine source
  • The capacity to create sensual connection and satisfying communication
  • An ability to gracefully move through relationship obstacles and resistance
  • Learn lifelong relationship skills where you know which chakras and archetypes to utilize and focus on
  • Deeper awareness of where you create barriers within yourself – and how to dissolve them





Module 1: Opening Your Higher Consciousness and Grounding Your Earthly Needs

AdobeStock_60299108-1000The Seven Levels Of Intimacy process begins with security: a combination of physical safety, financial security, and sharing common ground (Root Chakra). Arching over this security is a shared worldview and spiritual practices (Crown Chakra) where you connect with Source and receive your inner guidance and inspiration.



In your first session with Anodea and Ramone, you will discover:

  • The root Chakra where physical, financial and safety needs arise
  • The crown Chakra of pure consciousness where everything begins with an idea or thought
  • Ways these two chakras reflect and enhance each other
  • How to clarify intentions and basic needs to align with your partner
  • How to hold yourself and your partner with a benevolent attitude that supports both of your highest good
  • Illuminate the commitment and trust in your relationship

Module 2: Vital Visions, Blissful Beliefs, Playful Pleasure, Emotional Connection

AdobeStock_64034577-1000The Seven Levels Of Intimacy process continues as we then bring the light to your third eye (Brow Chakra) to crystallize it into a clear vision for your relationships and focus your intention for more vital and blissful connection. This chakra then spirals into chakra two, (Sacral Chakra) the realm of sexuality and sensuality.

You will experience exercises and tips for creating more, sensuality, and beauty.



In session two, you will discover:

  • Your Sacral and Third Eye Chakras and how to use vision and passion to generate momentum in your relationship
  • How to use your creative and sexual energy center for juicy sensuality
  • How to recognize obstacles before they stop you and gracefully align with your partner in spite of them
  • How to move your relationship forward everyday with sensuality, pleasure, and fun
  • Simple ways to create more play

Module 3: Speaking your Truth and Sharing Power Equitably

AdobeStock_86807530-600The Seven Levels Of Intimacy process moves to the communication center (Throat Chakra) which is an area of great power. Communication and expression are key elements in falling in love and keeping love juicy. Here we look at how communication plays into power dynamics, as we explore the third chakra (Power Chakra).



In session two, you will discover:

  • The throat chakra of communication and expression
  • The solar plexus chakra of will and power
  • How to dialogue, create safety, and express your need
  • The latest research on effective communication and successful relationship predictors
  • Specific and personal ways to “empower up” each other and your relationship
  • How to align powerfully and communicate for deeper empathy
  • How to claim your will and support each other in being whole

Module 4: The Heart of Your Relationships, Full Love

AdobeStock_108401931-1000Research has shown that when the heart is nourished, the body and brain work better as well. The destination of all true intimacy is the opening of the heart. To find this awakening together, requires empathy, vulnerability, openness, non-judgment, acceptance, and forgiveness. While these may be challenging to come to, their reward is great. This course will focus on the last remaining barriers to true connection in the heart.



In session two, you will discover:

  • The Heart Chakra as the key to fulfilling and deeply loving relationships
  • A potent practice to cultivate the most important relationship in your life
  • How to align your relationship to be in service to the greater good
  • The power of co-creation and how to use collaboration as a cornerstone for your relating
  • Briefly review the Journey of the Seven Levels of Intimacy
  • Create a plan for using the tools and tips you have learned for maximum relationship success
  • Explore best practices for honing co-creation on a daily basis


Bonus #1: Chakra Wisdom for Better Relationships

Audio Download
AdobeStock_60299108-1000Chakra expert, Anodea Judith joins forces with Ramone Yaciuk to share ways to utilize the wisdom of each of the seven chakras to enhance your relationship. Explore this practical ancient system that will help you tap into real relationship magic. Learn how to create more connection and satisfaction. Receive relationship tips and suggestions to improve communication and deepen sensuality. Anodea and Ramone will highlight the chakras as they relate to safety, power, sexuality, money, passion, love and more. Invest an hour and gain clarity, understanding, and hope to deepen and energize your most important relationships.




Bonus #2: Boost your chakras, grow your love!

Audio Download – Did you miss this? Download FREE now!

7_levels_graphic-340-300x300Anodea Judith, chakra expert, joins forces with Ramone Yaciuk to share ways of Boosting your chakras, and growing your love! You know you have energy centers that influence your health and well-being. You know you have relationships with others, and that they also have chakras. But do you know what happens when you put them together?

Join us to explore the topic of Chakras and Relationship. How can you use the chakra model to expand your capacity for intimacy, better communication, greater pleasure, empathy and bonding? How do you see eye to eye, share common ground, resolve power issues?

Whether you’re single, dating, or in a committed relationship, there’s a whole new territory that is born when we interact with another person. Find out how to enhance all your interactions with this telecall.

Did you miss this? Download FREE now!

Bonus #3: Enjoy The Hell Out of Your Relationships

Audio Download

love-121This is a two part downloadable audio that describes Seven Steps to Better Relationships, through a dynamic interview between Ramone and Jeffrey Berwin. Discover practical insights for cultivating a great attitude and overcoming communication blocks.

Bonus #4: Chakra Diagnostics with Anodea Judith

Audio Download

Chakra DiagnosticsEveryone talks about “opening their chakras” as if it were that simple. But chakras contain defense patterns lodged deeply in the nervous system, body armor, beliefs, and behaviors. Some of those defenses can be detrimental to our health, our relationships, and our success. Learn to understand your own chakra system in terms of its energetic patterns.

Learn about how your chakras can be excessive or deficient, and what that means in terms of behavior and treatment.

Bonus #5: Seven Keys to Transformation

Visual Presentation – Audio Download

7-keys-store-340The chakra system has long been seen as a template for transformation, a profound formula for wholeness that helps us navigate through the trials and tribulations of life. These seven sacred wheels carry us on our journey, unlocking the mysteries of our wounds and our gifts, our desires and our destiny. This pre-recorded virtual training will take you on a visual tour through the chakra system, highlighting the dynamics of our inner psychology and spiritual growth.


  • Four 90-minute audio sessions led by Anodea Judith and Ramone Yaciuk
  • Downloadable mp3 files for each session you can keep
  • Manual with assignments for each module to accelerate your learning and integrate the power of the Chakras and related Archetypes
  • Guided practices to activate each level of intimacy and clear any blocks and resistance

About Anodea Judith

image-111 (1)Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is a groundbreaking thinker, world-renowned spiritual teacher, and author of many books on the subject of human psychology, transformation, and social change.

Her works include, Anodea Judith’s Chakra Yoga, Creating on Purpose, The Global Heart Awakens, Eastern Body-Western Mind, Wheels of Life, The Sevenfold Journey, Contact: The Yoga of Relationships, Chakra Balancing and the award-winning video, The Illuminated Chakras.

Anodea spent 20 years as a psychologist in private practice applying these principles to personal development, but now travels the world presenting talks on our global challenges. She has been called “a prophet for our time.”



About Ramone Yaciuk

ramone_pr_pix_sm_croppedRamone has been studying psychology and healing for most of his life.

His book, Enjoy The Hell Out Of Your Life, is a compendium of ways to avoid the pitfalls of unhappy patterns and emerge joyously to create a glorious life.

Adding to his degree in psychology, he is also an Advanced Certified Rolfer, a Certified Coach, with training in the work of Virginia Satir through the Human Validation Process model. He has led workshops on teambuilding, personal growth, and management seminars on communication and interpersonal skills.


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