
Embody LOVE Today

14 Feb Embody LOVE Today

Valentine’s Day typically hypes up the romantic side of love, which is all fine and dandy, but that doesn’t change the world.

Your actions do.

What are the qualities of love that you want to embody today? (and everyday?)

Pick one for the day and bring it in to all your actions. (And another for tomorrow, and then the next day, and . . . well, you get the idea.)

Begin by breathing and centering. Send your roots down and your crown up.

Focus on your heart chakra. Listen to your heartbeat.

Soften everything around your heart: your chest, your shoulders, your upper back, your face.

Consider the following words, and see which one you want to pick for the day:

  • Compassion
  • Generosity
  • Caring
  • Forgiveness
  • Peace
  • Acceptance

Focus on the area of your heart and imagine you are taking in universal love with each inhalation. With each exhalation, imagine you are breathing out the quality you have chosen and into the world around you, sending it to any person, animal, place, or situation that you want to bless.

Continue to breathe in unconditional, universal love, and breathe out your quality, imagining it being received as a blessings.

Do this until your heart smiles, and that smile spreads out over your whole body.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

And as a gift, here’s a poem for you:

Chakra Four
a poem by Anodea Judith ©2001

When the wind of love knocks upon your house
Don’t draw the shades.
Fling wide the door!

The Gods are coming to visit.
Stop what you are doing and make tea.
Use your finest dishes,
Wear your embroidered robe
Call your best musicians.

Don’t get out your little box
For love exists to make fools of your limitations
and is easily insulted.

When love asks to sit
pull up a chair beside it.
Sit silently, eye to eye
And commune, asking nothing.

Touch carefully, tenderly
For love so frequently gets mistreated,
Mistaken for something else.

And when love begins to speak,
It is always a teaching.
But you can only listen with your heart.

And when love lies down to rest
Be at peace, for it too needs renewal
To return from its homeland of dreams.

Love does not bind but frees,
Love does not take, but gives,
Love does not destroy.

But we can be destroyed
by barring the gates of heaven
to keep the wind from rattling our souls.

And we can be destroyed
By clinging to the wind
that has its own journey.

Only the wise do neither
For they have learned to fly
Without losing their ground.

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