
The Way of the Heart

12 Jul The Way of the Heart

Marianne Williamson, at the end of the last Democratic debate, made the bold statement that love will triumph over fear. I firmly believe this to be true, but how do we demonstrate that?

I’ve always seen the heart chakra as the great integrator. Being in the middle of the chakra system, it integrates upper and lower chakras, mind and body, heaven and earth, spirit and matter. It also integrates self and other, masculine/feminine, and all the other polarities that are part of our totality.

Love, then, is a force that integrates by bringing things into relationship­–by relating. You might say love is the glue of the universe. When love is present, things come together. They come back to unity.

When love is absent, you have the opposite of integration: dis-integration. Things fall apart.

A society that is not integrated is bound to fall apart. A society where the races are not integrated, where the genders are not integrated, where the rich and poor have ever greater divides, and where civilization itself is not integrated with the planet it lives on—that society is bound to disintegrate. We are witnessing this every day.

The demon of hatred, unleashed from its cage, has brought America to a new low. Despicable treatment of migrants at the border, police brutality and racism, death threats over a difference of opinion, the news heightening any discord between people, to say nothing of the latest comments from the Tweeter in Chief, all speak of this lack of love. Hatred of other, disdain for the unfortunate, contempt for science, and disregard for the earth are all based on fear. If this continues to proliferate, it will tear everything apart.

Love is our most potent antidote to fear and hatred. But as Martin Luther King has said, “Power without love is reckless and abusive. But love without power is sentimental and anemic.” More than just a romantic sentiment, love is a global organizing principle of integration and wholeness. It occurs through the many parts relating to each other.

An integrated person will sustain hardships in their life better than others. An integrated civilization will come together in hard times, help each other out, collaborate and coooperate. Because this strengthens the whole, it strengthens everything within it as well.

The German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, says that truth passes through three stages:

“First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Marianne was not just sporting New Age fluff when she said those words, but uttering an essential spiritual truth, one that we all know in our hearts is real.

Let’s show Marianne support for daring to speak these words. Whether or not you believe she can make it to the top, let her voice be heard amidst the cacophony of fear and destruction.

She might just wake up a truth that will change the course of civilization.

  • Bhakti Karla Sikora
    Posted at 01:53h, 13 July Reply

    I truly believe that the Love I anchor and hold with in myself ~ as my Self will make a difference in the world as it has made a difference in me! I love the Rumi quote in your book “Chakra Yoga” on the chapter of the Anhata Chakra: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” We can be the Love we want to see in the world as we are made of Love ~ it is the very fabric of out Being! One way to “seek the barriers” to that knowing, is to use the mantra “I Am the Presence of Divine Love” and see what resistances come up to that and then of course with compassion and love acknowledge them. 😀
    To ease the pain of the actions of the “Tweeter in Chief’ ( I do not support his actions!), try an exercise in unconditional Love, send his Soul – not his personality – some unconditional Love -whew very difficult at times! ~ But it doesn’t kill me to do it and I feel it makes The flow of Love and me stronger!

  • Debbie Gill
    Posted at 04:34h, 13 July Reply

    I donated to her campaign so she could be on stage for the debates. I do think she is on the right path and I also think she has a tough road. I have cut my political news by 90% and know to have an effect I must be the change I wish to see. I do not discount a smile or an act of kindness. It is a law that there must be “destruction” before there can be “creation.” Let us hope and pray that it is not humanity that is destroyed.

    I will see you in October at Kripalu for Chakras and the Energy Body.

    Love and Light and Living in a Heart-Centered World,
    Debbie Gill

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