
Charging Up for Fall

23 Aug Charging Up for Fall

Hard to believe the summer days are slipping away already. Where did they go? Oh that’s right, I was traveling and teaching, touring in China, and then back east with a very successful Psychology of the Chakras training. My how time flies.

But now that the summer days are waning, we can begin looking toward the fall, and getting our chakras aligned, balanced, and all charged up for better focus and effectiveness.

This is the latest material in my work, which will be featured in two American workshops, coming up in September and October, and in New Zealand and Australia in November. I’m also starting to film an online training about charge as I believe it is an essential key that no one is talking about in quite the way I am presenting it.

You see, your charge or life force (aka prana or chi) is a vital key to the healing process. In trauma and other insults, that charge gets locked up and becomes unavailable, while wreaking havoc underneath the veil of awareness in our body or emotions.

And like the energy in your cell phone that needs to be recharged when depleted, our energy body charges and discharges all day long. We do this through various activities, such as breathing, eating, exercising, talking, crying, working, dancing, sleeping, to name but a few.

But over time, our charge can become unbalanced: we’ve either given too much away without recharging, and we’ve gotten depleted, or we’ve become overcharged, with no time to let down or release. This can happen in different chakras, some getting overcharged, while others remain deficient or undercharged, and it can happen in our life in general.

This imbalance then effects our emotional experience, our behavior, our ability to concentrate, our health, our weight control, muscular tension, our relationships, and even our thinking process.

Combining my 45 years of working with the chakras, along with teaching yoga and body-based psychotherapy, I have developed dynamic exercises for moving energy through the body, finding your core, and charging and discharging each chakra.

The result is more aliveness, more understanding of yourself and others, and dynamic techniques for working with clients.

You can familiarize yourself with the concepts in my book, Charge and the Energy Body, but ultimately this learning occurs through experience. When you feel that charge of energy sweeping through your chakras, and learn to harvest that charge into your tissues, you have a whole new approach, the mind-body connection, and to a deeper exploration of the architecture of your soul.

Come join us and learn about your own life force and its role in creating everything you are and do.

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