
Majority of Americans Support the Right to Abortion

03 May Majority of Americans Support the Right to Abortion

Everybody’s taking to their keyboard today. And no wonder – the Supreme Court’s recently leaked draft to gut women’s rights over their own bodies have got a lot of us riled up.

And for good reason. It’s not that this action has any real moral teeth, for the same people that want to restrict abortion are against any kind of gun control. Now where’s the right to life in that one?

The anti-abortion stance is also coming from the same sector that felt wearing a mask was an invasion of personal privacy and government overreach.  But being forced to bear a child that will affect the rest of your life is not?

Nor are they doing what they can to minimize abortion – like making it easier to obtain birth control. Even that is under fire in some places. Nor do they support programs to take care of the mostly poor, single mothers who have to provide for those children after they’re born.

No, this is purely a political ruse of throwing red meat to the base prior to the mid-term elections. For that reason, we all need to show up and VOTE like our lives depend upon it.

This is probably just a test case to see what they can get away with. Mark my prediction: slashing Voting Rights and deciding the next election will be next.

And all this at a time when overpopulation is the driving force behind environmental and climate catastrophe looming over our heads. Is this really 2022 or did the clocks just turn back to 1950?

The Supreme Court stance is clearly a rule by minority. A minority of people (less than 25%) elected Donald Trump in 2016, who appointed 3 of the Supreme Court judges. George Bush who appointed another, lost the popular vote.  Polls show that a majority of Americans support the right to abortion – as much as 80%. 59% hope their states favor a more lenient stance on abortion, should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

What can we do?  Fight back!

Show a round of support by donating to Planned Parenthood or other organizations that fight for women’s rights, like NARAL, or Center for Reproductive Rights.

Organize a march, put signs in your lawn. Write blogs like this one, and talk to everyone. And consider this: What if the majority of women who believe we should be able to control our own bodies were all to go on strike?

Maybe that’s next. At least then the men would have to do childcare.

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