

WELCOME TO to the second chakra: your center for pleasure, fun, movement, and feeling. The purpose here is to get things moving: to get your body moving in general, to move the energy inside, and to joyfully move your life forward.

Pleasure invites us to expand, while pain makes us contract. Opening to pleasure in the second chakra, not only makes us feel happier and more expansive, but it gets the subtle energy moving through the body, soothing and releasing blockages.

So instead of “working” on this chakra, try “playing!” Go out and get moving! Dance, sing, shake, feel, and open to the movement of your life force. Let the rivers within you flow to the ocean of bliss, and this will eventually move your energy to the other chakras as well.

The name of the second chakra is Svadhisthana, which means “one’s own sweet place.” Use these exercises to find your own place inside where you feel and experience deeply.



NAME: Svadhisthana (meaning) “one’s own place”

LOCATION: Sacral area, hips, low back, groins, sexual organs, womb


COLOR: Orange

PURPOSE: Movement, flow, expansion, pleasure

DEVELOPMENTAL AGE: 6 months to 2 years

CORE VALUE: Pleasure

IDENTITY: Emotional

DEMON: Guilt

GIFTS: Pleasure, joy, connection

RIGHT: To feel

EXCESSIVE: Indulgent, over-emotional, sloppy, promiscuous

DEFICIENT: Rigid, dry, numb, flat emotions


BALANCED: Sensuous, in touch, graceful, flowing


Desire invites the soul to expand by reaching out beyond ourselves, encountering the world around us, and taking risks.

Brief Overview

If we were simply bodies, stimulated only by our instincts, we would find life pretty dull. It takes a second chakra to really stir things up—because it foments desires, awakens emotions, and brings in the influence of the Other.

Once survival needs are taken care of in chakra one, we then discover desire in chakra two. Desire invites the soul to expand by reaching out beyond ourselves, encountering the world around us, and taking risks.

As children, we began to experience the world through our senses—reaching out with our move¬ments to experience things through our mouth, hands, ears, and eyes. As soon as we did this, we encountered anxiety. Was it safe to express that emotion, was it OK to move this way, to reach out, to need?

Feelings: The Emotional Realm of Second Chakra

We experienced the good and bad of life around us through our feelings: most specifically feeling pleasure and pain, as the finer nuances of emotion are not within a young child’s repertoire. (This stage is basically 6 months to 2). Normally, we want to increase pleasure and decrease pain, but as children we’re not sure what we will encounter—either in the world itself or from our parents, so every reaching carries risk. Over time, our feelings join together and become baseline emotions, like fear, sadness, or anger, or perhaps joy, optimism, and pleasure. These emotions become grooves in the psyche that carry our energy through the body and into our life and relationships—for better or worse.


Below are lists that were taken from Marshall Rosenberg’s book on Non-Violent Communication. Notice which emotions you experience most frequently in your day-to-day life. Put a circle around those that serve you and an X next to those that don’t.

Notice the physical sensations associated with the emotions you feel most frequently. Does your belly turn into a knot? Do your hands get sweaty? Does your heart beat faster? Do you clench your jaw, tighten your throat, or feel shaky in your legs? Become the observer of your emotion, as if you just got put in a human body and were totally curious about the experience.

Ask yourself: When have I felt like this before? What are the beliefs behind this emotion? How does this emotion serve me or work against me? What other emotion could I be courting instead that would serve me better?

For the negative emotions, it actually helps to find a safe place where you can exaggerate them. Put on music and dance them out passionately. You’ll find they will pass and make room for more posi¬tive emotions.

You can rewire your brain by then focusing more on the positive ones, training your body to really feel their sensation, to sink into that sensation, to wear it like a suit of clothes.


For the negative emotions, it actually helps to find a safe place where you can exaggerate them.

Needs and Desires: The Inner Motivation

Most of us were taught that it is wrong or bad to be needy. Busy parents who couldn’t fulfill our needs, a school system that didn’t even comprehend the concept, or other people who were also not getting their needs met, taught us to deny our needs. When we deny our needs, we go into either self-indulgence or blaming others or both. If you catch yourself doing either of these things, step back and ask what unmet needs you are experiencing and what feelings are occurring. Then see what steps you can take to address the needs as directly as possible.

Distinguish Needs and Desires


Needs are necessities, and desires are accessories.

Needs are necessities, and desires are accessories. Make a list of the things you are wanting in life and decide whether they are needs or desires. There’s nothing wrong with the things that fall into the desire categories, but they shouldn’t take precedence over the needs. Just as we need to put gas in our car in order to drive, we have basic needs that must be met to ensure our well-being. Most of our negative emotions arise when those needs are not met or acknowledged, either by ourselves or another.

If the unmet need is something you can give yourself, make that need a priority.

Dealing with those Funky, Scary, or Big Emotions

Often people want to know what to do with their emotions. How do we deal with them? Other than acknowledging the unmet needs, what do we do when we feel angry at our kids, irritated at work, so depressed we can’t do anything, or scared to the point of paralysis when it’s time to act?

It is important to remember that emotions are connected with movement. So what we need to remember is that something has to move or change. Therefore we need to move the emotion, both physically and figuratively. We can dance, walk it off, shake ourselves out, do yoga, we can exercise, move it into creativity, such as drawing or singing, or simply allow it to move through the body into an expression of whatever we are feeling, even if that is only moving it into a pillow or yelling in the car while we drive.

This expression of the more shadowy feelings can release them and actually take us to joy.

The purpose of this watery realm of emotion is not only to put us in touch through the feeling realm, but to cleanse the soul. Whenever we successfully move an emotion through, we have a sense of clarity, lightness and freedom, much like the way it feels after a big storm passes. We can breathe deeper, move more easily, and feel more present.

That state of grace is what we’re after. Processing emotions properly can be a gateway to getting there.


This expression of the more shadowy feelings can release them and actually take us to joy.

This bundle of information and techniques for working with your chakras offers you a wide pallet for your personal and professional transformation.

This information is part of a larger comprehensive course: Chakra Healing Bundle.
With practices you can use the rest of your life, this valuable resource helps you navigate your way to better health, expanded awareness, and joy. Check out the link below where you can watch the video teaser and see your many bonus items along with 7 Chakra Awakening Videos to take your chakra learning to the next level!