
A Chakra Perspective on the Corona Crisis

19 Mar A Chakra Perspective on the Corona Crisis

I will be hosting a zoom call this Saturday, March 21st, at 10:00am PT. Please join me to talk about all this! 

Here is the link to attend: https://zoom.us/j/7791374137

Dear Rainbow Warrior Tribe:

Across the miles, from our multiple points of reality all over the world, I wanted to reach out and ask us all to reflect upon this moment and connect with each other.

We are witnessing a powerful teaching in the world, an intelligent force that is speaking to us in the only language we can understand – our immediate survival.

This virus is just contagious enough, just fatal enough, and just clever enough to push us in the direction we need to go – because we weren’t going there fast enough on our own.

First, it is teaching us how much we are all connected. From a single point in China, it quickly spread all over the world, and no one is immune. It is showing us we are a global civilization.

Second it is making us SLOW DOWN: stop flying, stop driving, stop buying, stop cruising, stop partying, sober up, and think about what we are doing to this planet.

As we pull back into our homes for reflection, this virus is cleaning the air, quieting the streets, reducing the garbage, and giving nature a moment to breathe. It is literally cleaning the atmosphere, the corona of the planet, from our abuse.

Corona means crown. It is forcing the people of the world to put their heads together, for scientists to collaborate, for people to cooperate, for leaders of wisdom to step forth and guide us to a new way of living. The crown chakra asks us to turn to our spiritual practices, to be still and meditate, to pray, to practice more yoga and less running around.

This virus is shaking our foundation, our global first chakra, with a rapid re-distribution of wealth. This is just the beginning. The rich with money to spare are losing their fortunes in the stock market, while half the population is told to stop working their often meaningless jobs, and still get a paycheck, small though it is.

Corona is teaching us to care for our bodies, for those who have let their health run down are the most vulnerable. Our best defense is to keep our energy balanced, our food clean, our bodies fit, our minds sharp, and our hearts loving. It is showing us how the illness of anyone can create sickness for everyone.

We are burning the lungs of the planet and now our own lungs are at risk, as the virus hits the heart chakra. They say that even those who recover have some permanent damage, just as our forests have permanent damage from our fires. Those who are experiencing the loss of loved ones are feeling the loss we are causing daily by our consumption, the loss of the animals, the plants, the oceans.

This tiny microorganism is a global game-changer. It is asking us to cry out from our isolation, to dream a new dream, and to form a powerful web of creation that implements the changes it is urging.

The reorganization has begun. This is the evolutionary catalyst we needed.

When we heed this important message, the virus will have succeeded in its purpose, and will recede.

If you would like to discuss these matters, come join me on a call, March 21, 10am Pacific Time. Here is the link to attend: https://zoom.us/j/7791374137

Anodea Judith

  • Larry Steven Weiss
    Posted at 14:27h, 21 March Reply

    Thank you, Anodea! You are capturing the energy I am feeling. I’ll be joyfully joining in to co-create our vision that our hearts know is possible today on Zoom.

  • Deborah
    Posted at 14:47h, 21 March Reply

    Interested in addional practices to support chakra health at this time ; to subsequentability hold sacred space with others in day to day health and wellness in times of uncertainty.

  • Kate Lemay
    Posted at 17:05h, 21 March Reply

    Hi Team Anodea 🙂 It seems at 100 folks, the call has been locked out. Any chance we can get a recording later? I am very excited to hear Anodea discuss this topic. Thank you in advance for any help you can give!

  • babette Nerzig
    Posted at 03:44h, 22 March Reply

    I am in total agreement…maybe i brought this on by saying for the last year or 3! that our govt, our health care, our financial system needs to change. I know that in my own little world, i have been constantly working on all 3 of those and have had great ups and major shakedowns, then great ups and then major shakedowns….i am learning new ways and new thinking each and every time and it is allowing me to find more peace within myself, more patience and compassion for those around me.
    We are in this together and together we will get out of this!

  • Char Brooks
    Posted at 17:34h, 24 March Reply

    Is it possible to get a recording of the call? Or are you doing another one? I could use support with this

    • Gianna Carini
      Posted at 17:47h, 24 March Reply

      Hi Char. Yes, an email went out as well as a Facebook post yesterday with the link to the replay. :o)

      Here it is directly: https://vimeo.com/399984354

  • Bethany K Springer
    Posted at 20:26h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you for your thoughtful words of guidance, Judith! I appreciate you and have loved following your work through the years.
    You are right on, it’s time to “dream a new dream,” this is the time to co-create a New Story – a new myth that will inform our everyday experiences as a united collective.
    Thanks again, Namaste

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