
Earth Day Meditation

20 Apr Earth Day Meditation

We all know that taking time to pull back from the world and go into a deep meditation cleanses the mind, soothes the body, and gives the nervous system an important reset.

What is equally important, and given far less attention, is simply walking in nature. After all, our nervous systems were designed to be in the natural world, our feet to walk on uneven ground, our eyes to see both near and far (rather than just looking at a screen!), our lungs to breathe natural air, and our souls to be nourished by the beauty of the Earth.

Being in nature is an essential attunement for the nervous system, every bit as important as a good meditation.

And I don’t mean just getting outside and walking on the sidewalk, but that’s a good start. At least we are exposing ourselves to natural light and hopefully some fresh air.

Today, Earth Day, make a point to get away from the artificial world and take a walk outside in nature. Ideally, it’s getting to a place where you don’t see cars or paved roads, where there’s no wires overhead, and where you can hear the birds, feel the breeze and see the sunshine. But if it’s going to Central Park, or a neighborhood strip of plants in the street, make the best of it.

Walk, quietly, making each step a listening with your whole body. Keep your eyes open to experience the beauty. Notice the details of the ground, the plants, the clouds and the light.

Be grateful. Thank Mother Earth for all that She provides for us. Make an offering in a sacred manner: it could be a twig or flower you find along the way, or a pinch of tobacco, honoring the Native American tradition.

Say a prayer for the protection of the Mother, who is severely threatened right now. Imagine the green you see spreading farther into the cities, the neighborhoods, the rooftops.

Then, some time today, take an action to follow up on your prayer. Call or write a congressman, donate to an Earth centered cause, beautify some part of your environment.

Prayers and action are a good combination. The Earth will thank you.

Anodea Judith

  • Barbar Butzke
    Posted at 23:51h, 11 March Reply

    Anodea Judith | Earth Day Meditation are just great and very helpful.

    I found a video that help me a lot and i share it with you: http://bit.ly/this-video-will-change-your-life
    See you soon! 🙂 Many Kisses!

  • Holt Candace
    Posted at 20:16h, 14 October Reply

    Judith’s studies in healing have included bioenergetics, psychology, psychotherapy, mythology, sociology, history, systems theory, and mystic spirituality. Her shamanic spiritual training led to ordination in 1985 through the Church of All Worlds, where she was a High Priestess for ten years.

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