
Power Over vs Power With

02 Jun Power Over vs Power With

Those who read my blogs may know that I harp on the transition from power to love as an organizing principle for society. Well, folks, we are deep in the throes of that transition at the moment, and it’s not pretty.

Demonstrations are happening all over the country and in many other cities in the world, rightly protesting yet another atrocity of police violence taking Black lives as if they didn’t matter.

Trump’s desire to meet the protests with additional force is pouring gasoline on an erupting fire. He Tweeted: “Any difficulty and we will assume control, but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” which is a direct quote from the race riots of 1967 by a Miami (white) police chief.

Trump is meeting with mayors and governors saying that they must dominate or look weak. This is the tired old story of the third chakra empire.

The overbearing use of power and control, the devastating tyranny of white supremacy, and the use of force rather than understanding and change, will only fan the uncivil war that is fomenting on our streets. If these methods worked to create a fair and just society, there would be no need to protest. But they don’t work.

There is another way. It is the way of empathy, of dialog, and understanding of the injustice that happens repeatedly on our streets. It is time for people of privilege to take a stand (or a knee more accurately) for what is right and just.

In Oakland, CA, where a line of police officers went to their knees in solidarity, the protestors point was realized and they dispersed peacefully.

Those who have privilege cannot imagine what it’s like to fear for your life if you get pulled over for running a stop sign, to be chased for a crime when you’re simply out for a run, or to have it be a hazard to do what other people take for granted, but do it while Black. Paying with one’s life for a minor crime of a $20 bill doesn’t match the Wall Street executives that steal millions and get away with it.

We cannot make it the responsibility of the African American population alone to combat this racism. Those who have privilege must support those who don’t. Those who have a voice must speak for those who don’t. And those who have power must use that power to stand for love and justice.

But we also need a government that fosters this empathy, mutual respect, and peace and we have anything but that. The government, too, is caught in the final throes of the third chakra power paradigm. What can replace it? What does a true democracy look like? Is our democracy evolving or is it on life support?

Join me in a free webinar with filmmaker and evolutionary Michael Wayne for our next call on Visioneering the Future: Making Democracy Work for All.

Here’s the call details:
The discussion will take place on Zoom. Go to this link to attend: 

You can also call in at: 646-558-8656 U.S. or 669-900-6833 U.S. 
or 312-626- 6799 U.S. (Webinar ID: 856 4660 1644)
For international calling, find your local number: 

  • Cathy Angi
    Posted at 22:13h, 02 June Reply

    What is the date and time of the call for visioning the future?

    • Gianna Carini
      Posted at 22:14h, 17 June Reply

      It is tomorrow (Thursday), June 18th at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern.

      The discussion will take place on Zoom. Go to this link to attend: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87597273604

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