
Saving the Unborn?

25 Sep Saving the Unborn?

One of the prime reasons Conservatives want to appoint their own Supreme Court Justice is the issue of abortion. Their concern for the life of the unborn is their moral crusade, and they call themselves “Right to Lifers,” people who uphold the sanctity of life.

Another concern is the second amendment, the right to bear arms, which in most cases means resistance to stricter gun control laws. Guns are for shooting and killing people, both of which are on the rise right now. How these two concerns go together on the same moral foundation is beyond me.

But there’s another aspect to considering the lives of the unborn that we should be more concerned about: Climate change.

In a recent interview, I was asked by someone half my age if I had any advice for the younger generation. I replied that I had to start first with an apology. I apologized that my generation had failed to prevent the extraordinary difficulties her generation would be facing in the near and distant future. Who was I to give advice without this apology and recognition of a potent moral failure toward the unborn?

The generation that is now coming of age in our world is not likely to feel glad they’re alive at this time. Their lives will be tougher, more dangerous, and more precarious. Fires and floods, plagues and food shortages, will be their new normal.

But even more, if they do dare to have children, they have to consider what life will be like for those who will come of age mid-century, and their children’s children growing up toward the end of the century. These children are the masses of unborn we must consider.

Overpopulation is one of the main drivers of our pending environmental bankruptcy. It’s a no-brainer to realize that controlling our population now means less death later. We can choose prevention or we can have hunger, and plague and war.

It’s not that I think abortion is a good thing. It should be avoided if at all possible through adequate birth control, sex education, and confrontation of sexual predation. If a woman deems it necessary to have one, it should be conducted as early as possible. Denying a woman the right to abortion means she will have to go to greater lengths to find one, often delaying the situation by weeks or months.

Let’s get real here. The same Conservatives that want to outlaw abortion also support a president who praises a 17-year-old killer with an illegal weapon, shrugs off Russian bounty paid for the lives of US troops, and plays down a virus that has killed over 200,000 people and climbing.

I believe in the right to life. A life that is just, compassionate, ecological, and awakened. A life that considers the larger picture of evolution, and considers the future we are creating together. I pray and work for the lives of those yet to come.

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  • Jacquelyn Krieger
    Posted at 03:46h, 26 September Reply

    Honest, insightful, and forward thinking as always Anodea~

  • Steven Bhaerman
    Posted at 17:34h, 26 September Reply

    Swami says that the “right-to-life” folks lose interest in the unborn fetus as soon as it becomes a “born feed-us.” This issue is way more about fear of the feminine than compassion for unborn souls.

  • Beth Jochum
    Posted at 18:04h, 26 September Reply

    Thank you as always Anodea for your heart, soul and clarity.

  • Dianne
    Posted at 04:16h, 22 December Reply

    Interesting, but I think that linking pro choice to climate change is kind of awful. Painting the world as a negative place that we may not want to bring children into due to climate issues is doomsday and gloomy. It is fine if we live in this, but not future children? That sounds so selfish. As humans, we make mistakes and can figure out how to fix them. Lake Eerie was utterly contaminated and it was restored. People can work closer to home, ride bikes, utilize mass transit and find ways to work without having to travel in their own cars. We can eat less or no red meat. Frankly, the more education and medical access in a country, the parents tend to have less children. They are confident their offspring will survive and need to spend the time to help educate the kids they have. How about just being pro-choice because a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body. Just as we should have the right to decide whether or not we want to down a rushed vaccine. Our bodies, our lives.

  • Sharyn Woerz
    Posted at 19:09h, 01 March Reply

    I was just introduced to you via your free online seminar about Revitalize your Chakras and appreciated what you had to say and share. Which led me took at your books on Amazon, while led me here. I appreciate your viewpoint about right to life and right to abortion. When other people control our actions, without offering practical alternatives, we are left with no rights at all.
    thank you, Sharyn

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